
Progress on Marriage Equality

Update to previous article: Getting Married is Pie in the Sky for Dallas, TX Gay Couple, August 2013A Gallup poll, for the third straight time, showed 53% of Americans supported marriage equality. Since publishing the

Update to previous article: Getting Married is Pie in the Sky for Dallas, TX Gay Couple, August 2013

Infographic by Karen Fields TheFieldsReport

A Gallup poll, for the third straight time, showed 53% of Americans supported marriage equality. Since publishing the last article on this subject in August of 2013, a lot has transpired in the battle for marriage equality. 18 out of 50 states have declared same-sex marriages legal and four states have enacted broad domestic partnership, civil union, and anti-discrimination legislation. The United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) has extended veterans benefits to same-sex couples as well as federal protection and benefits. Eric Holder, the United States Attorney General, said new policy was inline with the Supreme Court ruling the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA) unconstitutional and ruling in the United States vs. Windsor, that Americans in same-sex marriages are entitled to equal protection and equal treatment under the law.

With all these changes, a new (video) interview with Dallas couple Jimmy Lee Beard and CJ Oliver lets us know if their feelings have changed over the last few months or is marriage still last on their list of priorities.They even let their feelings be known about the treatment of gays in regards to the Sochi Olympics.

Infographic by Karen Fields TheFieldsReport
Source of information: http://freedomtomarry.org





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