
Put On Purple for Lupus Awareness May 17, 2013!

Lupus Awareness gets sidelined to other causes such as cancer but it is actually more important because it affects the entire body all at once and not just one part that spreads over time like

Lupus Awareness gets sidelined to other causes such as cancer but it is actually more important because it affects the entire body all at once and not just one part that spreads over time like cancer. Lupus is often misdiagnosed and can go untreated for years until it is too late. Two viable options for remission are a stem cell transplant or a bone marrow transplant. Washington, D.C. doesn’t fund enough for research into these possible cures and we need them to do so! So, Please wear purple to raise awareness and when someone ask why, tell them it’s to cure Lupus! You can still donate to Walk to End Lupus Now™ 2013 until the end of May (http://lupuswalkdallas.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=1035141&lis=0&kntae1035141=498CA5E22EF34C5FBC2CBE64019DCB2A). The Walk to End Lupus Now™ is the signature event of the Lupus Foundation of America, Inc. In more than 70 cities and towns across America thousands of people walk to make a difference in the lives of all people affected by lupus and raise essential funds for education, support services, programs and research. In May, a petition will be presented in Washington, D.C. to ask Congress to funnel more money toward research and programs to help those who suffer from this debilitating disease. 

You can join the effort by visiting The Help Solve the Cruel Mystery website and signing the petition to Congress at http://www.cruelmystery.org/petition.html

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