
Attention (clinking on glass)! I am now blogging for HerDaily.com

Please check out my articles on herdaily.com.  My subjects will range from weird things of this world to television recaps and reviews. Here are the links to a few articles I have written thus far:

Please check out my articles on herdaily.com.  My subjects will range from weird things of this world to television recaps and reviews. Here are the links to a few articles I have written thus far:

Sullivan and Son http://herdaily.com/tv/sullivan-and-son-returns-for-season-2-1769.html#.UdIM7j73bfY

Dumb Laws http://herdaily.com/weird-news/dumb-laws-shaking-my-head-1244.html#.UdIPdz73bfY

Do-It-Yourself Lemonade http://herdaily.com/weird-news/do-it-yourself-lemonade-charged-for-lemons-986.html#.UdIPvz73bfY

I hope you enjoy and please share with all your friends.

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