
Ark. GOP calls candidates’ statements ‘offensive’ – Yahoo! News

So, according to this man’s book, I am supposed to feel blessed because some of my ancestors were slaves, I haven’t taken advantage of the education system even though I have a Master’s degree as well

So, according to this man’s book, I am supposed to feel blessed because some of my ancestors were slaves, I haven’t taken advantage of the education system even though I have a Master’s degree as well as a lot of minorities of the African persuasion do, and I have caused the dummy-down of the Caucasian population when let into an all caucasian institutions! I needed to have a good laugh today! Thank you Jon Hubbard and John Fuqua! Where can I catch your stand-up act? The GOP is chalk full of people who feel this way. Maybe, when this generation of hateful individuals die off, then maybe America will be what it was supposed to be-the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!

Ark. GOP calls candidates’ statements ‘offensive’ – Yahoo! News.

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