
Adam Ate the Apple of His Own Free Will! STOP PUNISHING WOMEN!

So, this morning I woke up feeling like something was about to happen. I was hoping it was something good. But alas, I was disappointed because on the way to take care of my BFF,

So, this morning I woke up feeling like something was about to happen. I was hoping it was something good. But alas, I was disappointed because on the way to take care of my BFF, who has been ill a while, I encountered a total bast@rd holding this woman in a headlock punching her in the face! On my way to my friends, I stopped at the gas station and donut shop. I felt I was running late so I was going to go the fastest route down a major thoroughfare but something just nudged me to go the way I always do-down the back streets. I’m glad I listened to that nudge! The lady is screaming in spanish for help as he is punching her. As I pulled over and dialing 911, she managed to wiggle out from under his arms but he grabbed her again and was trying to wrestle the phone and keys out of her hand. I got out of the car to try to help her and when he saw me, he took off on foot. I was still on the phone with the 911 operator and I gave her a description of what he was wearing and the direction he was headed. She took my name and verified the number I was calling from and assured me help was on the way. So why did I have to call 911 AGAIN???? I told the second operator that he was getting away and no one had arrived! Apparently a women getting punched repeatedly in the face wasn’t a priority. When the officers finally arrived, I gave them a description and pointed to which way he went and they took off after him but didn’t find him. Then 3 more units showed up-2 female officers and 2 more males. I was informed that earlier in the morning, as she was trying to drop off her kids at school, he assaulted her there as well! She called for help and NO ONE CAME! Now, you would think when a 911 distress call comes from in or around a school, they would swarm in light of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary! But NOOOOO!!! And YES people ABUSE has a direct correlation to what happened at Sandy Hook ( see related article below). Dallas’s finest FAILED to act and a women suffered 2 attacks in one morning! Being a victim of a violent assault, you can imagine the pain and hurt that surfaced witnessing the same thing happen to this woman. I was treated like the criminal in my assault and I feel she was handled in the same manner. While we were waiting for the police to arrive, 3 of the residents surrounding this intersection came out to help me help her. She didn’t speak much English so they helped translate and verify what I witnessed. One of the people even went and brought her some hot tea because Dallas is experiencing arctic weather this week. It made me feel better that the citizens of Dallas cared more than the people who are sworn to protect and serve! The Dallas Police Department is full of misogynistic men and complacent women who think women bring these things on themselves! But I am here to tell you that is the WRONG attitude! A lot of women do not even report their assaults because of such attitudes. It only happened to me once but that was one time too many! The heart can’t help who it becomes attracted to and no one signs up to be abused! But in our world, women aren’t built up enough to feel their worth and fight the craptastic attitudes that have permeated society since Adam and Eve! God gave us free will and no one held a gun to Adams head and told him to eat the damn apple! He did that of his own free will!!!! But women have been vilified for the fall of man since then although it was MAN’S fault they got kicked out of the garden! God didn’t just kick Eve to the curb; he kicked them both out! We have had to listen to that misogyny during a harsh election season and it is time for it to cease! The Violence Against Women Act still hasn’t been renewed! WHY? Because the misogynist won’t let it be renewed! They don’t care if it was their mother or sister or daughter because they have probably been abusive toward their own or have friends that are! What other explanation could there be? I cannot fathom what thought process these men and some women take to conclude protecting folks against abuse isn’t a good idea! The loss of life and feeling of insecurity put on these women affects generations. Women are the glue that holds a society together and if we don’t put a cap on  the glue, the elements will dry it up and things will fall apart! Do we want things to continue to fall apart? I pray for this woman that she may have peace and be able to get away from the violence and raise her children to fight against abuse! I pray for all women and children who are victims of violent crimes and the I pray for the people who perpetrate these acts of violence. I pray the cycle be broken and we don’t continue to condone such behavior! I pray the people who perpetrate these acts of violence get the mental help they need to understand the root cause of the problem. The problems start early from childhood and that needs to be addressed to stop the cycle of violence. In the meantime, we need to be diligent and help those who have fallen victim and make sure our women and children are protected! There are many petitions floating around to get attention to this issue and I have added one more!  I created a petition to The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Rick Perry, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

“Create a registry and require those who have committed violent acts (assault of any kind including but not limited to physical, sexual, and emotional abuse) against women and children to register including those on a deferred probation status.”
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
I had no warning and the next woman who meets the man from this morning will have no warning unless something is done to change the system. Will you stand and fight with me and the thousands of other victims of a violent crime? I pray you do!

7 thoughts on “Adam Ate the Apple of His Own Free Will! STOP PUNISHING WOMEN!

  1. Karen, firstly thanks for sharing my blog post and for your passionate concern for women who are abused day in, day out, every minute of the day… We have had similar problems in Jamaica with the police, but as you could tell from reading my blog, we have a policewoman now who is determined to have a more caring police – as she is. When did the Violence Against Women Act expire – does it have to go through Congress to be renewed or can the President just sign off on it? Does this mean women have much less protection now (I guess so)? This is a BAD state of affairs… I will sign and share your petition shortly but once again, thanks for caring… Emma

    1. Thank you! Congress has to revote on it in order for the President to sign off on it. I’m not sure of the exact expiration but it is soon and they are stalling on that and everything else that can move this country forward!

  2. I agree that abuse needs to be stopped. However, truth be told the abusers are not all male nor are all the victims female or children.

    There are many cases where the abusers are women and the victims are men!

    If we are going to stop abuse, we need to stop all abuse and not sexually discriminate against abusers, and accepting some forms of it. Regardless who commits it or who receives it, it is equally as bad and therefore needs equal treatment.

    The problem with men being abused is that they not only have to endure the actual act, but they must also endure the humiliation of attempting to get help and protection from the abuser. This level of discrimination apparently knows no limits. Since even law enforcement and the courts tend to side and protect women before they will ever protect a man. After all, the “man” is so much stronger than the woman! However, if a man does protect himself, he often does so with extreme consequences, all too often more so than if a woman was to protect herself.

    As a result, the man is not only abused by the abuser, he is likewise abused by the very system designed to protect all victims of crime.

    A man, regardless of physical strength, no more deserves to be abused then a woman, regardless of dress, deserves to be raped. We need to put a stop to all forms of abuse regardless who the victim is or what sex the abuser may be!

    1. I agree but historically and statistically the abuse has been heaped on women by men who control the system. Maybe if the men of this planet, such as yourself, stood up and fought against abuse more throughout the centuries, then maybe things would be different. Sweeping abuse under the rug and using political power to lord it over anyone has been historical all over the world. My attacker tried to have me arrested for assault when all I was doing was trying to save my life! He had done this previously 3 times and the system all three times let him off! That is what I fight against and will continue to fight against! That was the first and LAST time something like that will happen to me and I will go to my grave fighting the insipid system that allows abuse to stand for anyone! MAN, WOMAN, or CHILD!

        1. I applaud your service to our country but signing every petition regarding abuse and getting involved on a local level by educating our youth or volunteering at a local shelter or support group would continue your service. Getting involved and staying involved is key to change!

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