
Today’s Funny: Canadian Parliament Adorably Debates Zombie Apocalypse

“Canada will never be a safe haven for zombies.” via Canadian Parliament Adorably Debates Zombie Apocalypse. I saw this article via Google+ and the comments alone were priceless. Now, I know a few Canadians and

English: Front Cover of "The Do-it-Yourse...
English: Front Cover of “The Do-it-Yourself Guide to Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
George A. Romero was an early contributor to t...
George A. Romero was an early contributor to the genre with his 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Zombie Apocalypse (video game)
Zombie Apocalypse (video game) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Canada will never be a safe haven for zombies.”

via Canadian Parliament Adorably Debates Zombie Apocalypse.

I saw this article via Google+ and the comments alone were priceless. Now, I know a few Canadians and I’m pretty sure they would be as miffed as we get here in the U.S. if we found out our leaders were wasting valuable time and energy on something that is NEVER going to happen! I don’t believe in zombies! I think zombie movies are funny (Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, etc.) but seriously wasting time and money on some fictional event is ludicrous! What is sad is a government agency, Centers for Disease Control fed this craziness with a tongue-in-cheek zombie preparedness plan (http://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombies.htm). But, I think the CDC saw the folly in their pandering to people who really believe in zombies and turned it around to just a regular preparedness report. The World Health Organization (WHO) is always on the preparedness track and they have detailed plans for massive disease outbreaks. I would lend more credence to the WHO than to the CDC because disease outbreaks are serious business. I would follow their protocol before I’d listen to the CDC. I would hope any legislative or parlimetarian organization wouldn’t allow funds to be wasted on silliness like a zombie apocalypse. But apparently, I am wrong (see above article link). I’m just saying….some things should not be joked about in my un-humble opinion.

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