
Metro PCSux!

So, some of you know I had to get a new phone. But in order to do this, I had to change my phone number! YES! Now in order to be eligible for any rebates

cellular racketeer
Courtesy of Morguefile.com

So, some of you know I had to get a new phone. But in order to do this, I had to change my phone number! YES! Now in order to be eligible for any rebates or discounts, you have to cancel your existing number and get new service. Otherwise, you pay top dollar for a phone that will last maybe a year! My last phone was 1 month shy of a year! But the clincher is I am paying the maximum plan and I am not entitled to all of the features. My phone is hotspot enabled but I can’t use the hotspot feature on the plan I have. I would have to go from an unlimited plan to a limited data plan to add the hotspot feature. Now, one would think that paying for an unlimited plan would give you access to all the features of the service and phone. But apparently not in MetroPCSux mind! I’m not sure when this idiocy started but now that T-MoBITES purchased MetroPCSux, things with the service and features has gone down the tubes! They nickel and dime you like AT&Tacky and SprOUTAGE and employ the most rude individuals on the planet. None of their “customer service” rep on the phone know anything and you can tell they are reading from a script. 98% of the store employees act like they can’t be bothered. If you hate your job that much, FIND A NEW ONE! The cellular racket is getting on my last good nerve and l wish pay phones and pagers were back! I would advise MetroPCS, T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint, and all the other cellular racketeers to rethink the way they do business. Don’t be concerned about getting new customers. Take care of the ones you have and the rest will follow because the existing client base will spread the word on how well they are treated. But keep on jerking people around and watch what happens. REVOLUTION! People getting off the grid and then you won’t have a company at all! In fact, I call for a REVOLUTION against the tyranny of the cellular racketeers! If everyone turned off their cells for a few days, peace and calm would return to this technology chaotic landscape! Try it! I dare you!

2 thoughts on “Metro PCSux!

  1. “Don’t be concerned about getting new customers. Take care of the ones you have and the rest will follow because the existing client base will spread the word on how well they are treated. But keep on jerking people around and watch what happens. ”

    Exactly! I wish more companies realized this. The reason Apple can get away with over charging for their products is because they have terrific customer service. Customer service can make or break any kind of business.

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