
Lost Arts Found Again: Handcrafted Jewelry and Cigars

The nearly lost arts of handcrafted jewelry and cigars have been around as long as humanity itself. Jewelry was made and worn to represent cultures and religious beliefs. Cigars date back to the Mayan culture and were called a “Ciq-Sigan”.

The nearly lost arts of handcrafted jewelry and cigars have been around as long as humanity itself. Jewelry was made and worn to represent cultures and religious beliefs. Cigars date back to the Mayan culture and were called a “Ciq-Sigan”. Cigars were later discovered by the Spanish and eventually coveted by the British but perfected by the Cubans. Over the centuries, as the world has become more and more industrialized, these once handcrafted items have become mass-produced and imported from various parts of the world. Master craftsman such as Paul Phelps and William Rodriguez Canet are leading the charge to bring back handcrafted jewelry and Cuban cigars. Check back next week to see pictures and video of the entire process.

Paul Phelps dismantles the bead strand that will be used to create a new jewelry piece. Paul uses gemstones of every color and shape to create his jewelry line, Saturday Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen Fields)
Paul Phelps dismantles the bead strand that will be used to create a new jewelry piece. Paul uses gemstones of every color and shape to create his jewelry line, Saturday Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen Fields)
The completed gemstone necklace handcrafted by Jewelry Artist Paul Phelps. All the jewelry shown in this picture was handcrafted by Paul. Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/KarenFields)
The completed gemstone necklace handcrafted by Jewelry Artist Paul Phelps. All the jewelry shown in this picture was handcrafted by Paul. Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/KarenFields)
lost arts
Master cigar maker William Rodriguez chooses tobacco leave and uses the machete to adjust the size to make the perfect cigar, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen Fields)

Master cigar roller William Rodriguez rolls the carefully chosen tobacco leaves into a smoking masterpiece, Saturday Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen Fields)

Master cigar roller William Rodriguez rolls the carefully chosen tobacco leaves into a smoking masterpiece, Saturday Nov. 2, 2013, Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen Fields)
lost arts
The traditional cigar mold used by William Rodriguez and other cigar masters to dry hand-rolled cigars and the finished product stacked behind, Saturday, Nov. 2, 2013, in Dallas, Texas. (TheFieldsReport/Karen FIelds)















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