
Litany of Voting: But Did You Vote?

“I hate that guy in the White House!”

 But Did You Vote?

“My vote never counts!” 

How would you know? Did You Vote?

“I hate how the prices of groceries keeps rising!”

But Did You Vote?

“I can’t afford to keep paying all these taxes” 

But Did You Vote?

“I lost my job to outsourcing…AGAIN!”

But Did You Vote?

“It doesn’t matter who I vote for. Nothing is going to change!”

How would you know? Did You Vote?

“These undocumented folks are taking our jobs and our benefits!”

But Did You Vote?

“We need gun control!”

But Did You Vote?

“Elections belong to the people. It’s their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

…this litany could go on and on with the excuses and the complaints heard before, during, and even after every election in the last 25-30 years! NOT VOTING is why this country has taken a turn for the complacent! People want cake and ice cream but they spend to much time on the cake and the ice cream melts! It is the same as our melting #Democracy! It doesn’t matter who you voted for! It matters that you voted! I have said it once and I will say it again: IF YOU DIDN’T VOTE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT THE STATE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! SIT DOWN IN THE CORNER AND SHUT UP! Think about how not voting gave our government carte blanche to ignore, marginalize, demonize, and steal money and dignity right out from under us! If it still makes you mad and sad then, VOTE in the next election and make your voice heard! #Voting is the ONLY WAY.

…Did you?
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